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jwakamud 09-28-2007 02:23 PM

Re: might have to sell my car.

Originally Posted by All Things GXP
So I ask you this and I am assuming that you lived with your parents before you went to school. Would you have rather grown up a minority and poor and got financial aid or grown up the way that you did?

all this is really beside the point. but since i opened pandoras box, ill respond then ill ask that further comments along this vein be directed at me via pms. im not opposed to the discussion, but thats not what this thread is about.

i lived with my mom until i was 16. my father and mother divorced when i was 2, leaving my mother a single parent without a HS degree [or even GED] raising two kids without any financial support. she did so, and how she did so is beyond me. im amazed by her and have nothing but the utmost respect for her and what she went through.

we WERE poor. in addition, the community i grew up in, i WAS the minority. ill never know what its like to grow up black in america any more than ill know what its like to have gills, but i do know what its like to grow up in poverty and to be part of a minority.

Originally Posted by agrazela
The silver lining is you've got a woman who's still willing to marry your sorry, whimpering a$$

agreed. a lot of truth is said in jest.
as to whether or not im being open and honest with her about the situation, i am. her first reaction was to tell me to drop out of school until finances get settled down and she gets a job -- then go back to school. i flat out refuse to do that. once she saw how important school was to me (most evident in my conversations re: selling my car; she knows how much i love my car), she is encouraging me to take out more loans to cover the cost of tuition.

i dont want to do that, for reasons already stated. im looking for a magical third alternative, but its not showing up. as the weeks go by, im coming more to the conclusion that selling my car, taking on more loans, and getting a job tutoring part-time on campus might be the best alternative i have left.

2.3 Turbocoupe 09-28-2007 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by JimmyFloyd
take out more school loans if you don't have much more to go. I went through and got mine. With the school loans you won't have to repay them til after you graduate, so you'll have time to get a new job and get to paying them.

I know going further in debt is scary, but just some consolation, I am currently $40k in debt just from school loans. It is scary, but I got such a better job when I graduated that the payments were easily covered while still living within my means.

I agree. Yes, you should have gotten a cheaper car, but that ship has sailed. I guess if you can break even on this car you could sell it, but it doesn't sound like that is going to happen. And remember, you will still have to get something else dependable to drive. If you have to go to a tote the note place, you are just falling further behind.

You have your priorities straight and it will pay off. Eventually. Just suck it up, do the student loans to whatever degree you have to, and get your degree. That is more important to your marriage long term than the intital debt.

Oh, and you might want to hold off on the mods for just a little while. Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

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