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jwakamud 09-27-2007 09:31 PM

might have to sell my car.
so im still employed with kohls, but i have no idea for how much longer. since they let me know they will be letting me go, ive put in roughly 40 applications while still working 40 hrs a week, going to school full-time, and keeping up with my homework. its not easy. but no one ever told me life was easy.

so with my future up in the air right now, im re-evaluating my needs.

i have to face a couple facts.

1. i might not be able to continue going to school next semester. if i dont have a job, i certainly dont have money for school. financial aid has told me they wont touch me.
2. i might have to sell my car. obviously, ill cut it before i cut school, because school is where my priority is.

selling my car is probably one of the toughest decisions ill ever have to make, and its not to that point yet, but i have to accept that point might be looming in the near future. luckily, i kept all of the parts i took off the car, so ill be able to demod before i sell it. if it comes to that.

silver lining? . . . i dont see it.

its frustrating to me that theres no help that i can see. im already ~$13000 in debt from prior semesters.

im just really demoralized right now. if i were part of a minority, financial aid wouldnt be this hard to come by. but im blessed with being middle-class and white. what was i thinking that I could be the first person in my family to graduate high school and get a college degree?

bids start now. im upside-down by roughly $2000. :? when i got this car, i had no way to predict that my employer of over 6 years would decide that they were no longer willing to put up with my restricted schedule due to school -- ive always gone to school, since they hired me. but i should have seen the possibility (there were no warnings, looking back) and behaved accordingly. i wouldnt be having nearly this problem if i had gotten a cheap beater. but then, visions 20/20 in hindsight, right?

i only hope that God gives me a way through this, without me having to sacrifice school.

EDIT: ive got 4 semesters left, after this one.

sqela 09-27-2007 10:31 PM

Don't give up hope man. Everybody goes through rough times in your life and even if it means selling the car for a short time you gotta do what you gotta do. And on a positive note you apperently have your prioritys in order by putting school first. Hang in there and rerember we'll be here for you :)

popatim 09-27-2007 10:54 PM

Keep in mind that you since they're letting you go that you'll qualify for Unemployment and training assistance. Training assistance can be used iirc for any schooling you complete in a year but you must 'graduate' that schooling in a year.

I feel for ya, I been there before too. :(

JimmyFloyd 09-27-2007 11:11 PM

take out more school loans if you don't have much more to go. I went through and got mine. With the school loans you won't have to repay them til after you graduate, so you'll have time to get a new job and get to paying them.

I know going further in debt is scary, but just some consolation, I am currently $40k in debt just from school loans. It is scary, but I got such a better job when I graduated that the payments were easily covered while still living within my means.

LittleHoov 09-27-2007 11:39 PM

Pardon my insensitivity, but how much would you be asking for it if you did decide to sell it?

I do agree with the other posters though, and I hope that things will work out for you, but since no one else asked, I thought I might. How many miles are even on that beautiful piece of work?

repinS 09-28-2007 12:14 AM

A good beater makes sense financially. There's a reason why I'm still several thousand in the black even as a full time student...

of course you have to consider how much longer you have to go - I still have at least three years, one more at a local college, the other two will most likely be spent at an institution away from home.

jwakamud 09-28-2007 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by LittleHoov
Pardon my insensitivity, but how much would you be asking for it if you did decide to sell it?

im going to feel around next thursday, if i dont get any calls regarding interviews (a prospect which is highly unlikely) KBB lists it as approx $10-$12k in "good" condition. i owe more than that, so asking price would be at least that. if i were to sell it to a private party, chances are good that (if possible, i havent looked into it yet) ill just be asking someone to take over the payments from the existing loan. which is unlikely, being that like i said, i owe more than its worth. i owe ~$14k and my payments are ~$300 a month.

im hesitant to take out more loans. with how much im already in the red and the fact ill be getting married in two years, i hesitate to take more debt. i dont think thats particularly fair to my fiancee. "welcome to married life. lets start paying off my debt now."

caseball2051 09-28-2007 10:20 AM

making steps toward a better future is soethign shell understand.

All Things GXP 09-28-2007 12:13 PM

Let me first start off by saying that I hope everything works out for you and that you get to finish school because that is very important. Also I'm not trying to stir up trouble nor start a debate in what I am getting ready to write so with that said. I don't really feel that it is a minority or white issue with financial aid let me give you a story to better help what I am talking about. Earlier this year me and 2 of my friends were gonna go to school to do hvac. We all applied for financial aid, I 26yo African american decent paying job (30k per year) just married in January 2 kids was denied aid. 1 of my friends 23yo white decent paying job (27k per year) not married living at home with his parents was denied. 2nd friend 29yo white made roughly 50k last year not married had 3 kids at the time was given almost enough aid to pay for his school in full 11 grand at that!. I was denied because they had to include my wifes income in to mine even though they wanted taxes for the previous 2 years before we were ever married. So I don't believe it is a minority issue with financial aid I believe it is a money issue and how lucky you are that day.

So I ask you this and I am assuming that you lived with your parents before you went to school. Would you have rather grown up a minority and poor and got financial aid or grown up the way that you did?

agrazela 09-28-2007 01:05 PM

Re: might have to sell my car.

Originally Posted by jwakamud
silver lining? . . . i dont see it.

The silver lining is you've got a woman who's still willing to marry your sorry, whimpering a$$
(just joshing :lol: )

Yeah, the new car was a mistake...but you know that already. You may lose $4k or $5k in the short term; but doing everything you can to finish school now, while you're young and have few other responsibilities, is gonna make that seem like small potatoes in short order.

I hope you're being as open and honest about your situation with your fiancee as you are with us ;)

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